Ashiana is part of the London VAWG Consortium, made up of partnerships funded by London Councils and the Mayor's Office of Policing & Crime (MOPAC) to deliver a range of services for survivors of VAWG.
Working with organisations across Greater London
The London VAWG Consortium is made up of 28 organisations working in partnership to ensure that comprehensive, cost-effective, high-quality services are available throughout London.
We innovate networks that deliver services efficiently
Wedeliver seamless services across London for all communities of interests and individuals in need, by strengthening referral pathways, avoiding duplication, and reacting decisevly to new trends.
Targeted Outreach
Prevention based on children and young people group programs aiming to identify the key elements of healthy and unhealthy relationships and challenge myths and tolerance towards violence.
Services Provided
Advice, counselling, outreach, drop-in support, domestic and sexual violence helplines, specialist refuge accommodation, specifically targeted services for FGM, honour-based violence, forced marriage and other harmful practices.
Who's Involved
Backed by the Mayor of London: Office for Policing and Crime
Backed by London Councils
Ashiana is one of 28 delivery partners
London Councils
London Councils represents and champions London’s 32 boroughs and the City of London, serving local communities, businesses and amplifying the voice of Londoners. We are a cross[1]party organisation that works on behalf of all of our member authorities regardless of political persuasion. We work with partners to deliver sustainable change, address inequalities and make London a fairer place for all.