Ashiana network
24 HOUR HELPLINE: 0808 2000 247
020 8539 0427

Ascent Ending Harmful Practices

The pan-London scope of Ending Harmful Practices addresses an identified gap in the provision of a co-ordinated, specialist service.

Led by the Asian Women's Resource Centre

The Asian Women’s Resource Centre is leading 'Ending Harmful Practices [EHP]', funded by London Councils, to provide high-quality front-line and support services to voluntary and statutory organisations for those affected by Female Genital Mutilation, honour-based violence, forced marriage and any sexual and domestic violence.

Specialist Support for Minorities

The project will provide one-to-one support to BME women affected by harmful practices and also raise awareness to increase early identification of those at risk and improve institutional responses.

Ashiana is one of 9 delivery partners.

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"Collaborations are at the core of what Women' Resource Centre does. Through its unique position in the sector, WRC has been considered good at reminding the sector of their grassroots and about the ethics and morals of the work. We are committed to building a strong, thriving and diverse women’s sector."

Who's Involved?

 0808 2000 247
020 8539 0427
Copyright © Ashiana Network
Registered Charity Number 1042440, London, UK
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